Series H1 |
H1 series offers a wide range of displacements available pumps and motors.
This new generation H1 provides better performance and compatibility with electronic PLUS+1™.
Piston pumpes
H1P piston pumps offer 14 different displacements with the
possibility of several types of control:
45 cm3/tr |
53 cm3/tr |
60 cm3/tr |
68 cm3/tr |
69 cm3/tr |
78 cm3/tr |
89 cm3/tr |
101 cm3/tr |
115 cm3/tr |
130 cm3/tr |
147 cm3/tr |
165 cm3/tr |
Type of control:
- EDC (Electric Displacement Control)
- FNR (Forward-Neutral-Reverse)
- NFPE ( Non Feedback Proportional Electric)
- AC (Automotive Control)
- FDC (Fan-Drive Control)
Consult the technical documentation about pumpes H1P> |
Piston Motors
Reciprocating motors H1B offer 5 possible displacements:
60 cm3/tr |
80 cm3/tr |
110 cm3/tr |
160 cm3/tr |
250 cm3/tr |
Consult the technical documentation about motors H1B> |